Hilton Head Landmarks

One of the most charming aspects of Hilton Head is its rich history and unique landmarks scattered throughout the island.

One iconic landmark that stands out is the Harbour Town Lighthouse, a red-and-white striped tower overlooking the marina. VacayStore members can climb to the top for panoramic views of Calibogue Sound.

Another must-see spot is Stoney-Baynard Ruins, offering a glimpse into plantation life from centuries ago. The overgrown remains are a hauntingly beautiful reminder of Hilton Head's past.

For nature enthusiasts, a visit to Mitchelville Freedom Park is essential. This historic site was home to one of America's first freed slave communities and now serves as an educational destination honoring their legacy.

Exploring these landmarks provides insight into Hilton Head's history. It showcases the island's commitment to preserving its cultural heritage amidst modern development.